I hear this song again (when you believe), when i hear this song always remind me a anime.
do you heard the song When you believe before???? many do said yes. Many people said this song is meaningful but do you know the actual meaning for this song??
as i ask many people have you see the cartoon Prince of Egypt many said no. =S
After you watch the Prince of Egypt cartoon you will learn the through meaning of this song.
From wikipedia
The Prince of Egypt is a 1998 American animated film, the first traditionally animated film produced and released by DreamWorks. The story follows the life of Moses from his birth, through his childhood as a prince of Egypt, and finally to his ultimate destiny to lead the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt, which is based on the Biblical story of Exodus.
Directed by Brenda Chapman, Simon Wells and Steve Hickner, the film featured songs written by Stephen Schwartz and a score composed by Hans Zimmer. The voice cast featured a number of major Hollywood actors in the speaking roles, while professional singers replaced them for the songs. The exceptions were Michelle Pfeiffer, Ralph Fiennes, Steve Martin, and Martin Short, who sang their own parts.
The film was nominated for best score and won for Best Original Song at the 1999 Academy Awards for "When You Believe". The pop version of the song was performed at the ceremonies by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey. The song, co-written by Stephen Schwartz, Hans Zimmer and with additional production by Babyface, was nominated for the Best Original Song (Motion Picture) at the 1999 Golden Globes, and was also nominated for Outstanding Performance of a Song for a Feature Film at the ALMA Awards.
The film went on to gross $218,613,188 worldwide, making it the second traditionally animated feature not released by Disney to gross over $100 million in the U.S. (after The Rugrats Movie). The film remained the highest grossing traditionally animated non-Disney film until 2007, when it was out-grossed by The Simpsons Movie.If you are lazy to read. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyOiKwWmU0M
this is the movie
Now i going tell a story for you all about mosesThe Story of Moses
Once upon a time there was an evil king in Egypt.
He wanted his people to be the greatest & the mightiest nation.
He noticed that there were a lot of children in Israel.
He had fears that Israel would take over Egypt one day...
He gave an order saying, "Every son that is born in Israel has to be cast into the river"
There was a baby boy born in a Hebrew family.
Mother was hiding the child for three months.
When she could ot hide her son any longer she put him in a basket in the reeds in the Nile river. His sister stayed to watch the basket to see what would happen to him
The daughter of Pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river.
When she saw the basket, she sent her maiden to get it.
The baby was crying.
She knew that it was one of
Hebrews' children, but she wanted to keep him.
The sister came to her and suggested a nurse. It was child's mother
The mother got to have her baby back until he was weaned.
She was able to teach him about God & Hebrew ways.
When it was time, she took him back to the Pharaoh's daughter.
The new mother named the child Moses. She was raising Moses as her own son.
He was educated, he was a military leader, but in his heart Moses was Hebrew.
One day, Moses went out to his people & he looked at how hard they had to work for Egyptians.
Moses saw a mean taskmaster beating a Hebrew.
Moses slew the Egyptian & hid him in sand.
Hebrew people did not accept this.
Pharaoh was looking for Moses to deal with him...
Moses ran away to the desert & he came to the land of Midian
One day Moses was sitting by the well, when seven daughters of the Midian priest Jethro came to give water to their sheep.
Then the shepherds came. They were mean to the daughters & they scared away the sheep.
Moses helped the women: he drove away the troublemakers & helped to water the flock.
Jethro was very pleased with Moses.
He asked him to stay with them to take care of the flock.
Moses married Jethro's daughter Zipporah & they had a son.
One day Moses came to the mountain of God. He saw the bush in flames, but it did not burn. Moses was very curious, he came closer...There was an Angel who called Moses by name.
Angel told Moses to go to Egypt & to ask Pharaoh to release the Hebrews.
So Moses & his brother Aaron came to the Pharaoh,
"You've been mean & cruel to my people. Let my people go, as God has commanded."
Pharaoh did not want to let Hebrew people go.
Then God sent a plague.
Pharaoh promised to release the Hebrew people as soon as the plague was over.
Moses asked ten times & God sent ten plagues.
Finally, Pharaoh said, " Get out of my people, both you & the childAll the Hebrew people packed up their belongings & left Egypt for the new land that God had promised them.
The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, to lead them the way, and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light.
When Pharaoh & his army came close to the Hebrew people, Moses said, "The Lord shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace."
The pillar of the cloud came between the camp of Israel & the camp of Egyptians.
It was the cloud of darkness for Egyptians & a cloud of light for Israelren of Israel."
The Lord said to Moses, "Lift up you rod, and stretch your hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on the dry ground in the middle of the sea."
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lord blew a strong wind all the night.
The Red Sea parted and there was a dry path to go...
In the morning the Hebrews started to cross the sea.
They were walking on the dry path, and the huge walls of water were on the both sides of the miracle path...
Egyptians were behind the cloud till almost all the Hebrew people were through. They were waiting for the chance to go.
As soon as the cloud moved away, Pharaoh and his army started after their slaves...
So when all the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea, God told Moses to stretch his hand over the sea, that the waters might come over Egyptians.
Then Moses & children of Israel sang song to the Lord.
"I will sing unto the Lord for he has triumphed gloriously...
The Lord is my strength & song
& He is become my salvation...
The Lord shall reign for ever and ever."
So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, and they went out into the desert. During three days they did not have any water. When they finally came to the river & tasted the water, they found out that it was bitter...
And the people murmured. Moses cried to the Lord; the Lord had shown him a tree to cast into the water. The water became sweet!
They came to Elim, where were twelve wells of water and ten palm trees.
What shall we eat?
Everybody was discouraged & murmured again...
But God did not fail them, as He never did before: He sent the bread from Heaven!
It was white as snow. Every morning they gathered the white powder & baked yummy bread. They called it manna & for forty days they were eating it.
God was leading Moses & his people to the Promise Land.
They got weary, discouraged & they were very thirsty.
People started to murmur against Moses & God again.
God said, "Tell this rock to give the water".
But Moses was so upset, that he smote the rock. The refreshing water came out.
God was displeased with Moses because Moses was angry.
God told him that because of his disobedience, Moses would not come into the Promise Land
On the third month of journey, they came to the mountain Sinai.
The Lord said, "Let the people wash their clothes. On the third day I will come in a thick cloud & I will speak to you, that they will hear too."
On the third day in the morning, there was lightning and thunder and smoke, because the Lord descended on the mountain in fire.
The Lord spoke and everybody heard him!
He gave Ten Commandments:
"I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the Land of Egypt, out the house of bondage..."
The first four Commandments tell us how to love God, the other six how to love each other.
After that the Lord called Moses up on the mountain alone. Moses was with God for forty days.
People became impatient. They did not know why Moses did not come back...
The people came to Aaron & gave him gold. They asked Aaron to make idol for them to worship.
Aaron made a golden calf. The Hebrew people were feasting & dancing...
The Lord saw this. He was about to consume this nation & He wanted to make new nation out of Moses...
Moses prayed to forgive them.
But when Moses came down with the tables, he saw the golden calf & people dancing . He was so upset that he broke the tables that were written by God's own hand on the mountain. Then Moses destroyed the calf.
People knew that they committed a great sin... Moses had to go back on the mountain for another forty days to bring the tables with God's Commandments.
This time The Hebrew nation was ready to wait & accept what God has to say.