Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Stupid me must carefully read for 36181 IQ test

As you can see alot of advertistment every where regarding test IQ. Mostly you may see it on Facebook. To test your IQ. Ok now why i said stupid me because when i subscribe i didn't immediately cancel it and everyday 9.30am they will send me a IQ sms but it seems not intresting also it cost RM 3.00. Luckily I am using postpaid and this use much this month. Should be careful.

This business I think they earn alot for few month. After got people complain and sound out how stupid like me then this business will close down.

good in advertising such as put at facebook let said i think i cancel in 10 days meand i already pay them RM 30.

assume 100,000 people stupid like me means 100,000 x 30 = RM 3, 000, 000

but you need to pay advertising fees to get this volume and sms cost.

to cancel type = STOP ALL = 36181

Read carefully the red word until cancelled in their registeration terms. What an expensive tuition fees.

Over 140 - Genius or near genius
120 - 140 - High intelligence
110 - 119 - Very intelligence
90 - 109 - Normal or average intelligence
80 - 89 - Dullness
70 - 79 - Borderline defficiency
Under 70 - Definite feeble-mindedness

From 36181:

RM0.00. We have received a request from you to subscribe the service. To confirm, please send REG IQ to 36181. For hel, please call hotline 03-20722617

From 36181:

RM0.00. Successful registration. No subscription fee. Price: RM3.00/SMS, until cancelled. To cancel, send STOP to 36181.

From 36181:

RM3.00. IQ: Your score is 125. Superb score! You have a gift so don't waste it. For your perfection is just around the corner.

From 36181:

RM0.00. Key in STOP ALL to cancell all service.Key in OUT to cancel promo msg.You are currently subscribed to CONTENT,to cancel send STOP IQ to 36181.

From 36181:

RM0.00. Your subscription to CONTENT has been terminated. Thank you for your patronage. For more info, pls contact 03-20722617.

Thank you.

Gallen Low


  1. thank you for your blog so that i can cancelled service from 36181.
    every msg from 36181 cost me RM3, not worth it.

  2. Thanks for sharing this! I was one of the victim too...every morning they will send SMS and charge RM3.00 for a useless IQ!

  3. thanks for sharing this. i hate those messages. after reading this, i finally got it off. thanks XD
